Carolina Power Auditions- Saturday, May 11, 2024
** This year's audition will be combined with Carolina Groove Elite (CGE) and divided by dancer ages as of September 1, 2024.
Ages 5-7 (Jazz, Contemporary, Lyrical) - 9:15-10:15 ($35)
Ages 8-10 (Jazz, Contemporary, Lyrical) - 1:30-3:00 ($35)
Ages 8-10 (Hip Hop) 3:00-3:30 ($15)
Ages 14-18 (Jazz, Contemporary, Lyrical) - 10:30-12:15 ($35)
Ages 14-18 (Hip Hop) - 12:15-1:00 ($15)
Ages 11-13 (Jazz, Contemporary, Lyrical) - 3:45-5:15 ($35)
Ages 11-13 (Hip Hop) - 5:15-6:00 ($15)
Appropriate dance attire for the jazz, contemporary, lyrical auditions: leotard, sports bra, tight tank top, leggings, booty shorts, tight joggers. Please no baggy t-shirts, sweatpants, or running shorts. Hair must be slicked back in a bun, braid, or ponytail. Small earrings are acceptable. Dancers should start barefoot but can bring jazz shoes.
For the hip hop auditions baggy clothing is encouraged and dancers should wear sneakers.
RESULTS will be sent via email by Monday, May 20. There will be a mandatory parent
meeting in mid-late June (date and time TBA).
New dancers who need information/guidance can fill out this form and one of our company directors will be in touch to provide more information and answer questions. Please use this same form to RSVP to one of our interest meetings:
Friday, April 26th 7:00pm - Zoom (link will be sent the day of the meeting)
Tuesday, April 30th 6:45pm - In Person at CDC
Dancers who need a make-up audition must still register using the link below.
(company director)

Carolina Power is a new competitive dance company offered by CDC that specializes in jazz, lyrical/contemporary, and hip-hop. Carolina Power dance company members become well rounded dancers with all of their weekly technical training as well as choreography classes in the genres they participate in. Carolina Power dance company will compete at two local dance competitions each year, allowing dancers to explore their love for dance every week and put all that hard work on stage for all to see! Carolina Power aims to be a fun and rewarding company where all dancers are expected to give their best effort and in return, find a strong passion for the love of dance, performing, competing, team work, and hard work!​
attend two local dance competitions
learn choreography in weekly classes
can choose 1, 2, or all 3 genres to participate in (jazz, lyrical/contemporary, hip-hop)
must be enrolled in weekly cdc class in the genre you compete + choreography class
jazz and lyrical/contemporary does require a weekly ballet class
option to be considered for solos, duets, and trios
team bonding events
company showcase performance held at beginning of competitive season
Email Danielle Norris for more information: carolinapowerdance@gmail.com